The company are committed to providing a safe place and safe systems of work and a safe environment in which to work for all its employees.
A. The Company
To endure that we comply with the statutory requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 we will, as far as is reasonably practicable:
- Provide adequate resources for meeting our health and safety obligations including competent advice.
- Carry out periodic risk assessments and review the results.
- Provide methods of working which are safe and without risks to health.
- Make sure that arrangements are in place for the safe use, storage, handling and transport of articles and substances used at work.
- Ensure that employees are provided with adequate training, information, instruction and supervision to secure their safety while at work and the safety of others who may be affected by their acts.
- Provide and maintain all plant, machinery and equipment which is safe and without risks to health.
- Provide adequate arrangements and facilities for employees welfare.
- Make sure there is adequate access to and egress from the place of work.
- Where necessary appropriate health surveillance will be provided to employees.
- Ensure that consultation takes place with employees on matters affecting their health, safety and welfare.
B. Employees
It is the responsibility of all employees to co-operate with the company and not interfere with or misuse or abuse anything provided by the company in the interests of health and safety.
Employees must take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts and omissions at work, and must comply with legal requirements imposed on them by health and safety legislation. C. Other Matters
This policy will be reviewed at least once a year. Any Changes will be brought to the attention of all employees through the normal channels of communication within the business and a revised copy of this statement displayed within the Company's premises.
More detailed information regarding the responsibilities and arrangements in place for the effective management of health and safety matters are available to all employees in the Company's Health and safety Policies and procedures.
It is the Overall policy of the Company to operate the business in the best environmental practices possible. The policies stated below will give guidance on the achievement of this overall policy.
- The company will maintain their current good environmental practices to control and make best use of the resources used.
- The Director will maintain a constant consideration for the environmental impact of the Company's operations when considering the development of the business.
- The Company will meet all relevant environmental legislation and regulation apropriate to the businesses.
- The Company will review the environment impact of their activities and act on any areas that have a significant adverse affect on the environment. This will include:
- Materials used
- Packaging and recycling
- Energy usage
- CO2 emissions
- Waste recycling
The Company will ensure control of any waste or discharge, which may have an adverse affect on the environment. They will minimise pollution discharges caused by their activities.
During their work, the Company will be sensitive to the environmental impact on the local community and will seek to minimise the consequences of its work in respect of environmental nuisance.
All employees will be made aware of the impact of their actions on the environment and the Company's environmental policies and objectives, and will be encouraged to adopt environmentally friendly practices.
The environmental policy will be available to all persons with a legitimate interest in the Company and the general public